I am very excited to be placed in the attractions role, and just sent an email where I put down a couple different location requests. Who knows how far the email will go, but I figured it was worth a shot. I am also still planning on attending the Chicago audition for the Character Performer role. I have a lot of experience in dancing, but unfortunately do not have the best height. Nonetheless I am still excited to actually go to a DISNEY audition and I have heard they are a blast!
Selected June 6th as my arrival date, and already have my fantastic future roomie, Lisa, who is anxiously awaiting for June as well! Oh how time is going to go by ever so slowly. I just know it. Thank goodness I have this group as a bit of "support" during the waiting process.
And to all those waiting to hear of any news, or those pending, I have and will continue to think positive and purple thoughts for you. I hope you all hear some good news sooner rather than later, and I'm rooting for every single one of you! :)